mythomaniac said:Hey, I totally get where you're coming from, and honestly, I agree with a lot of what you’re saying.
The lack of transparency around the Deluxe and Premium passes, and the way certain features give players with money an early or unfair advantage—it’s hard not to feel like it’s rigged against players who want to grind their way through the game without spending extra cash.
I do not play H2H, I tried to complete the Most Feared challenge of winning 5 games and I failed. I could only manage 3 wins and my final loss was to a little kid (I heard his voice through the HS). I felt the exact same way when I tried to play H2H and I'm matched with a team who had all the players released the day before.
The system can make it feel like the gap between NMS and Pay-to-Play is just getting wider, and it’s tough not to feel like we're in different "tiers" of the community, like you said.
The majority of my lineup is made up on BND players and completing sets. I worked hard for what I got and Season Pass is weak, I actually made post about it when S3 ended.
I think your point about EA’s monetization schemes really resonated with me—those changes that happen after the purchase, like you mentioned, make it feel like we were never given the full picture upfront. And yeah, it definitely feels like the whole situation just creates a divide between players, which is really disheartening when you want to just enjoy the game and compete on a more level playing field.
I just wanted to let you know I hear you, and I feel that same frustration. I think you’ve brought up some really valid points about the direction of the game and how it’s affecting the experience for a lot of players.
If you're on PC I'd love to play a game :)
Here the link to the S3 rewards forum post.