so im sitting at 5M coins and a 92 OVR team. pretty happy woth what players are sitting on the team dang near all BND at this point. running bears theme team. i have jerby joseph that might sell for 300k i could rebuy, another im considering is pat surtain and rebuying him or reconsidering once im back home.
ZC promo wise, im caught up on all dailies and things, i have the following gifts which im not sure to keep or sell since ill be out at sea with no internet. lol.
i have: LTD gifts: jolly pirate, and miami twinkle (keeping these)
also have the snow plow, ultra green present, theme team present, replica present. should i sell any of these and just let the snow transfer? what about julio jones?
ill be back on the 29th of december. what things would you have still to do to prepare?