Slammer4244 said:The BS Roughing the passer Call when you slightly breathe on the QB......Grr i hate it.
At least that one's realistic ;)
Slammer4244 said:The BS Roughing the passer Call when you slightly breathe on the QB......Grr i hate it.
At least that one's realistic ;)
when i get good players.... then the other team is a god squad.
vfds11 said:when i get good players.... then the other team is a god squad.
When people run Mike Blitz 0 on me and my deep blues are nowhere near their zone
when 5'10 corners outjump my 6'5 receivers and get toe tap INT's, also getting my kicks/punts blocked until i found the counter.
what is the counter
26elliothamilton said:what is the counter
left footed kicker counters it, so Morten Anderson basically.
jayslatty said:left footed kicker counters it, so Morten Anderson basically.
So do you wanna trade
soxchuck said:Did I lose out on my hidden egg voucher..I thought I had to use it on or after easter
I think so… it’s not letting me use it either. kinda sucks
That 90% of the numbers on any given card count for absolutely nothing.
the game freezing every 10 minutes and having to restart the game everytime, this has been happening all year
m1k3y6i2 said:Freeze glitchers
There really is no better answer than this anyones experienced this even once.
Never before have I wanted to reach through my TV screen more and pray I could transport through to whoever I was playing against to deliver a knuckle sandwich.
The falling forward with no regard for momentum. Reggie Bush is 205 lbs, why is he pushing my 300+ lb linesmen 4 yards after he's hit?
Busta said:The connection error or desyncing losses for sure.
I have very good internet, never lag but still seem to get the loss when others pull their tricks. Which is usually followed by a message from them gloating they cheated the system.
exactly. i can't play the game I paid for. Thanks EA