Hey guys, for NMS players, doing challenges are one of the best ways to earn free cards and build up your team! Here I will be listing the challenges that offer free players! I will not be listing ones that offer free cards under 87 overall!
Ultimate Kickoff - 1 88 NCAT Ultimate Kickoff Player
Campus Heroes 1 - 1 89 NCAT Campus Heroes Player
Gridiron Guardians - 1 90 NCAT Gridiron Guardians Player
Ultiverse-of-Terror(Most Feared) - 3 90 NCAT Most Feared Players
Most Feared - 1 90 NCAT Most Feared Player
Turkey Bowl Shenanigans (Harvest) - 1 92 NCAT Turkey Bowl Leader and 1 92 NCAT Harvest Player
TOTW - 2 92 NCAT TOTW Players
NFL Playoffs - 1 93 NCAT Leonard Floyd
Gridiron Forge - 1 94 NCAT Cam Newton
Campus Heroes 2 - 1 94 NCAT Campus Heroes Player
TOTY - 1 96 NCAT TOTY Player
Challenges are always a great way to build up your team! I recommend doing the higher OVR card challenges first so if you do not get to the lower overall cards, you at least have the very good ones! To continue building your team, check out my thread on how to GET GOOD CARDS FOR CHEAP!
If I left out any challenges feel free to let me know below! I will try to update this as the year continues!