I get desync glitched at halftime probably 1/5 games i'm leading at half. There's no way it's this bad on console and feels like a clear case of EA not caring to step up and punish exploiters.
For what it's worth, I think some of it is legit bugs on PC. Yesterday, I was desynced twice when I was losing by 10+ points at halftime. Doubt the other person desynced me on purpose when they were winning.
biscobuddha said:For what it's worth, I think some of it is legit bugs on PC. Yesterday, I was desynced twice when I was losing by 10+ points at halftime. Doubt the other person desynced me on purpose when they were winning.
While there are bugs, desyncing on PC as an exploit isn't difficult and has been around for years without EA doing anything. It's a large reason I moved back to console.
The absoulte worse is a dude named Mon829909, every single game i get with him, as soon as i get a pick off him i get desynced, literally teh only reason hes #12 on the pc leaderboard
murkedbitch said:The absoulte worse is a dude named Mon829909, every single game i get with him, as soon as i get a pick off him i get desynced, literally teh only reason hes #12 on the pc leaderboard
YEAH you right that just happend to me
also KNGTOTENKHAMUN does the same, is there a way to report those players?
niggosa said:also KNGTOTENKHAMUN does the same, is there a way to report those players?
I know him. He does it to troll he doesn't care anymore.