With packstrike and all I think the packs are getting better or maybe just for me. The reason I say that is for the AKA 87+ i got 90 Fitzmagic and on the TVPs I got a LTD so tell me if you are getting lucky or is ea doing something for once
Nah they aren’t. Just Lucky. Think they are just laughing about it really. Think about what is offered with the AKA Program today. You can spend over $1000 on the packs and you are not guaranteed a single player to use towards the new AKA players since the topper is 87+. It is really easy to pull the lowest card on toppers. I have done that all season with every topper except 1. You need 6 88’s. The greed is at it’s worst right now.
The packs may be worse based on what Sixplicit described above.
I pulled 90 minister of defense
hell no and thats the nice way of saying it...these pack spenders are the reason the gameis the way it is.....EA knows they can serve us a hot turd because they know pack spenders are gna spend no matter what.......period (and no i really dont have a problem with ppl spending, its more of a EA screwing us NMS crowd by taking away more and more of the rewards every year aka no wl rewards, no sb rewards, no qs in packs, BND cards, etc etc etc)
i pulled mine out of a pro GameDay pack that I got from the fieldpass