Still not having any of my daily objectives calculate that they've been completed consecutive days in a row. I get the coin pack for completing the dailys but it's still not counting towards the counter for days in a row. Lost as to what to do at this point. It's insane to me how it's been over a week now and still no fix. Assuming this still hasn't changed for anyone else yet?
Same for me, finally counting 3/3 for the day so I get the coin pack but not tracking consecutive days and still only showing 1/3 completed on the MF pass.
Same. It's so frustrating. I have completed the dailys for many many days in a row so with all of the xp I'm missing, I'd be very far in the field pass. I hope they give a make right somehow because there's big rewards in the field pass that I've been grinding for with nothing to show for. It's wild to me how they can allow this to happen for days on end and get away with providing hardly any updates/communication. Bought the new xbox so I could get the new madden. Feels like a giant waste as of late.
By Friday, it will be 90,000 XP that those affected are missing out on.
If y'all had to take a wild guess do you think they'll end up giving all of that xp as a make right to those affected ? Hope it gets fixed for all of us soon
onderw15 said:If y'all had to take a wild guess do you think they'll end up giving all of that xp as a make right to those affected ? Hope it gets fixed for all of us soon
It would certainly be nice. It's going to be nearly impossible to get Deion without it.