So, I have looked a YouTube videos and read the article published on about the strategy items but still am a little confused. I am looking to get the Let It Rip and In The Zone legendary strategy items. Do I need to get each that have matching bonus chem boosts (strong arm and zone) or get ones with different bonus chem boosts.
Which Legendary Strategy Item combination do I get?
From what I've read, they only need to match at "Epic" level. Legendary cards are supposed to activate individually, but I haven't procured one yet to try it out. I do have 4 Epic cards(2 offense and 2 defense) that all have "Drive", that's been a nice bump to the O-Line.
Legendary strat cards give you x2 of each sub component. They do NOT stack as each caps at 2 components. So do not match your 2 legendary components like how you did with Epic cards as it is a waste.
So get one for throw power and make sure your other is on Zone. They patched Epic chems so you can not use only 1 anymore and need 2 components.
You can’t double dip on the secondary. I tried getting double strong arm
to get Allen to 99. It was a mistake. Since they both count as two, it showed 4/2 for strong arm and I only got +1
THP. Had to sell
one and get the zone chem on it instead so I would get +1 Zone. Can’t get +2 on anything