I was just wondering the best and easiest ways to complete the competitive field pass. Any tips or help is greatly appreciated.
MUT Champs is the quickest. Solo battles were effective, but I think they patched the 2 per win. i think now you’re going to have to play at least some H2H
Mine is maxed out already. I won 15 champs games last weekends, won all my 60nseasons games I needed, did about 20ish solo battles and finished up with h2h seasons, like one or 2 of the stats, and solo battles this week. No champions needed. Also pulled 87 day one center legend piece from my legend pack haha. But I cNt complain as I pulled LTD czonka out of last week's.
I play a TON of online h2h though I will say that. I always get the 50 wins in the first week easily.
Champs then SB then H2H is the best/easiest way.
The easiest way is doing literally ALL the solo battle stuff you can. Then you only have to win 3 champs games.