My receiver core is Megatron, Carmicheal, and Kupp. So I got Hester exclusively for returns, should I rotate him in on actual plays or sell him? Keeping him at return just isn't worth it because no one kicks deep
Honsetly man, the choice is up to you, I've wanted to try Hester, but have never had the funds, but if you've used him and don't like him other than KR/PR than I would consider selling expecially before blitz hits when the market crashes
Lildrift56 said:Honsetly man, the choice is up to you, I've wanted to try Hester, but have never had the funds, but if you've used him and don't like him other than KR/PR than I would consider selling expecially before blitz hits when the market crashes
Yeah.. I think I just needed someone to tell me to do it LOL
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Who would you pick up for WR4?
Kdogrupert said:Who would you pick up for WR4?
I mean, I never see more than my main 3 and a TE on the field with what I run. But Hester just being KR isnt worth it. Deion will be free and just as good.
If youre not using a TT, just use some freebie. I have a cheap legend team and mines just Rice we just got free and the upgrade.
Kdogrupert said:Who would you pick up for WR4?
I would use a decent BND receiver as my WR4. You could go with comp pass Sutton, MF Claypool, a set piece you got back for completing a champion set, etc.
Personally for me Hester is the best WR in the game. So shifty and fast. Absolute problem in open space.
His stats are great on paper so I’d assume he’s not just gonna be a returner
If your just using him for returns I’d sell him and buy a position of need
Sounds like you should sell Hester. I would just put someone like Claypool, a free bnd, in his place. With the amount of times you will likely return kicks, I'd just put your faster wr2/3 or rb2