Top 3 Favorite QBs in MUT Right Now
I want to hear everybodys top 3 favorite QBs in MUT right now, not the best but the ones you have the most fun with.
My top 3 would have to be Lamar, Dinucc…
Player Reviews (Next Gen)
So as Ive played with a ton of the top cards in Mut I wanted to create a thread where you can ask a question about if a certain player is worth picking up or n…
If you could add any players/gt anyone in the Game
Who would you add?
I would personally add Terrell Owens. Guy was a monster IRL and tends to be an absolute beast in MUT.
Who would you GT?
Whos your top 4 HBs this year?
My personal list is 1. Blount, 2. Bo, 3. Barry, 4. Craig, but I just wanted to get everyone elses opinion see who your favorites are
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