In my franchise why do the Bills have Connor McGovern and the Dolphins also have Connor McGovern with a different picture at the same time????
Is this happening to anyone else?
I bought the MVP bundle and when I bought it, CFB25 was on my Home Screen but M25 never was and it still isn’t. I think there might have been some issues with …
What do y'all think of this?
RPs Old Gen to New Gen
Is there a point on getting RPs on Xbox One when next year I’m going to play on Series X?
TTAS Coins
What is the most coin efficient way to get TTAS coins?
NCAA Football 25 Reveal
What are some concerts you guys have gone to recently? On the 10th I went to a Pearl Jam concert in Portland. Was anyone else there?
Thoughts on new Texans uniforms?
I personally do not like them. Wait that’s an understatement. I despise them
They look straight out of the UFL
Thoughts on new Broncos uniforms?
The Broncos just got some new unis and I personally am not a huge fan of them but that throwback one looks 🔥🔥🔥
RIP Roman Gabriel
Roman Gabriel just died a bit ago and I just saw it now so I thought I’d make a post about it.
He was legendary Eagles and Rams QB who had a great career
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