You're a clown 🤡
So he has an opinion on a QB and your first assumption is being touched by another man as an explan…
Lmfao he made you look dumb af 🤣
You also lost to Denis Allen enough said falcons are just that trash 🤣
The stats say different and he had what was labeled a dark horse MVP in Mariota lmfao 😂😂 until he s…
I actually thought it was real life until you stated the very obvious so sincerely thank you for th…
Thanks for stating the obvious lmfao anything else your dumbass wants to point out
Lmfao the saints had the better team that's a fact y'all are bottom of the NFC and rookies are tras…
Why because the facts hurts your little falcon feelers lmao falcons are trash and couldn't beat sai…
Is this a joke? Olave was far better WR and gets a 92 ovr card....pppssshhhh better be a 96 olave i…
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