Yea it sucks. I'm running gronk m/marks 85 on my Ravens team. Just had to buy Humphreys. Can't brea…
Can someone explain to me why midfield packs are a thing? Especially pass lvl 10?
Why not let these guys top out at least 87 or 88? Never understand why doing Challenges isn't rewar…
Tough. Does he replace Micah on the edge? Hmmm
Hate when they make guys I want LTDs. Why couldn't Diggs be the ltd
Might have to try hin out as my new rb. Been using Johnson and Edmonds for some time now. Both 85s
Yea I know. But I decided to wait Mugabe get a ltd or new card worth 600k pluse
Yea I'm going with Troy. Just didn't know if one of new cards would sell around 600k. The. Could ju…
Any of the 89s going be over 600k? I'm 18 away from my free comp 89 player. Really just want Troy. …
Guess on your preference. Bo is bulky to me, I prefer a more quick elusive back.
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