Does anyone else find the MUT Discussion forum difficult to use because the thread titles are so long? Like it seems very “noisy”
Anyone else feel that way or is it just me?
Blitz packs in the store already
Is this a mistake?
How do I get Turducken legs?
I can get two from the Harvest Pass Objectives. Where can I get more so I can upgrade more players?
Is there a quick start guide for the new Price Tracker?
I know I can add people to it, but then what?
How do I fully upgrade my Mystery Player?
I know the player's identity is a mystery but how to upgrade him/her fully **shouldn't** be such a mystery!
MUT content this week
How do I get more Hispanic Heritage players?
I only have the first person and can't figure out how to get Victor Cruz, et al.
How do I get the Ultimate Unstoppable token?
I have two unstoppable tokens from solos but cannot locate the Ultimate Unstoppable token necessary for the final upgrade of Henry.
Any late-night Fortnite players?
I could use some people to run with!
My HR wins aren't counting toward my CH objectives even though I have RG3 as my starting QB
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