Re: Mystery or Large presents?
Don't we have one more refresh on Sunday? Large were better for me, less loss on shit presents per roll.
Re: Ill give someone any free LTD if they can tell me...
If you switched to the receiver before he caught it, I have noticed the receivers slow down in that situation.
Re: Legends Reveals?
Re: Weird Theory for Packs
I find they seem better at times that more people are opening.
Re: Should i buy ghost Ed Reed??
No. In my opinion, no player is worth that much.
Re: Anyone having challenge failed issue with last ghost challenge?
I failed once with a td, extra point, and a safety, 25-22. Did it again and won 23-22 and it succeeded.
Re: The Cellar : Spectral Gridiron Challege
Missed the score within 5 plays the first time. The second I did it and forced a safety to win 25-22, but failed the win somehow. Did it one more time and ju…
Re: 90&93 bnd
Mine reset
Team Capitans updated
There are three more upgrade tokens added to the pass. No new Capitans.
Re: Present Predictions
What is the bolt and lock present?
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