This card was good before the Theme Team Remix. Now it’s absolutely insane on my Bears TT! I only r…
Certain dime or dollar formations allow CB at Sub lb I’m pretty sure
You don’t need fearless. He rarely gets effected by pressure.
Same. Couldn’t agree more. Best WR in the game
His release also doesn’t feel bad. Idk if it’s mislabeled on the site but it’s been great for me wi…
Played around 20 games with him this weekend. He’s been lights out for me running SFL and GS for 1a…
Decisions decisions
Yeah I can’t even use him. I tried for 5 games and he just doesn’t cover his zone well and as a use…
No. I really wanted to like him being a Bears fan… but his COD and Agility are noticeably bad. They…
How’s he playing for those that tried him out?
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