Hmmm ya, short stride doesn’t accelerate as fast.. so getting to top speed takes longer than someon…
Odds got better recently.. they posted something about making LTDs more obtainable about a week ago…
I’m gonna hold out hope there’s a 25-50$ pack with 50% odds. 🤞
I wanna love it. But it’s dog water.
From my understanding play rec isn’t a big deal on dbs.. unless you play match.. which I do so this…
I’m in the panthers D for the dime 1-4… shoutout to a streamer named Medic for his blitz setups and…
Really.. I promise I’m not making this ish up.
Yessir, DBs with high release play the receivers break worse with low release. Let’s just say this.…
🙏 appreciate your thoughtfulness as always! And ya I’m a biggg match defense guy so Ive noticed it …
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