Ok So I don’t know why I’m surprised…..
But got a welcome pack that tells me to complete the Band Chapionship player set, and I can also get another 1000 Playoff XP for doing that, but the problem is…
Won the final giveaway on GMM today for Creed, Decker, Cook, Lobe and the new Cam Sutton today! Any idea how long these usually take to be granted?
Andrew Luck Unusable Now
I know EA has a knack for totally nerfing cards after a couple of weeks to make you go out and spend money to get a newer card, but this is ridiculous. All of…
Yet Another Field Pass Glitch
Did an AkA crew set. Says I completed the objective, no XP…..
I have to hand it to EA
Kind of hard to complete a Team Captain objective to kick 10 FGs with a Captain in your lineup, when the kick meter just totally disappeared from the game, mak…
Can you play his SS and LE card together like the Vick QB and HB?
Pack Glitch
Not sure if this has been said anywhere, but the 82 Playoff pack is glitched. It says 2x 80-81 OVR and 2x 78-79OVR. It only takes 81-82 OVR, not 80OVRs. Wha…
Team Captains
Looks like they went up to 93 OVR today. FYI
EA. Being EA
No welcome pack, field pass doesn’t work - cant access it. Unbelievable. I don’t think one promo has launched on time and correctly yet.
Snowflakes have expired and been converted to coins, but you can apparently still earn then in the event? Slightly confusing. Shouldn’t the promo just all en…
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