Re: The twitch stream said 6pm EST Did I miss it?
Thanks, Legend. You still talk to Rocketz?
The twitch stream said 6pm EST Did I miss it?
It says the drops were this morning??
Re: How do you get top rank?
Thanks for the answer, boss
Re: How do you get top rank?
Under what heading? Head to Head? I can't find it
Re: How do you get top rank?
What mode is that?
How do you get top rank?
What mode do you play?
Re: One player you haven’t seen in years?
Mike Ditka, Franco Harris
Recommend me an awesome playbook
I' m just starting with MUT 25 I need an awesome playbook.
Re: Why do yall complain about this game so much?
Complaining about complaining. Why don't you scroll past complaint threads if they bother you so much?
Re: New EVERGREEN field Pass for Madden24 if your still playing
.....And Evergreen is over as far as daily objectives. Maxed out at level 50. I guess I'm staying on 24 until Madden 26.
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