Re: No TOTW & No AKA This week huh?
Re: No TOTW & No AKA This week huh?
@Daddy Oh... Yeah.... That went over my head... Got a lil too serious there... Sorry about that... I just finished my PhD and I think it damaged my brain some…
Re: No TOTW & No AKA This week huh?
Fair enough... But there is also a just as fair rebuttal to that sentiment as well you know??? Many of us have to or otherwise do work on the holidays... So wh…
Re: Weekly MUT Content Schedule (11/25-12/1)
Very lame... It would make more sense if they staggered the Chem boost expiration because it sucks to invest in the TOTW and arbitrarily get two weeks then whe…
No TOTW & No AKA This week huh?
Has anyone heard an announcement regarding these two? I'm trying to budget or otherwise plan out the team I aim to field dammit...
Re: Weekly MUT Content Schedule (11/25-12/1)
I have the same question....
Re: Can someone explain the madden bros x2 boost?
It's basically the same thing as tyreke and Waddle. You need to add a tyreke card to waddle and vice versa before having them together in order to get max chem…
Uniform prices?
What are some of the most expensive uniforms as of today? I'm trying to pick the best one to flip out of my season 6 uniform pack from the field pass.
Uniform prices?
What are some of the most expensive uni's on the market currently?
Re: Reporting racist behavior
@jakezze01 Good lookin' I didn't even think about that.
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