Ranked mode???
I feel like a dumbass but gonna ask anyways. I just finished up season 4 level 55 last night when I realized I don't seem to have an option to look into the Ra…
MUT Binder Auction Recommendations
Just synced up my binder to see what this is all about and not clear about some stuff. One is that there is no legend and I noticed a red, blue, green bar next…
Solo battles down 2 days now?
I thought the update this morning was going to fix it but nope. I have one other person that was experiencing the same thing. Is anyone else experiencing this?…
Drake London
I don’t think I received a Drake London in a welcome pack. I set up my mut25 on oct 30th. Is that possibly why? I keep getting upgrade tokens but no drake to u…
Do TOTY tokens roll to next season?
I used 5 tokens for an 87ovr card but not sure if I ought to hold on to the rest of my tokens to use in later seasons. Or spend them before season 4 kicks in. …
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