Mike Evans on Bucs TT is a W. 6'5 99 SPD JMP SPC, 98 CIT, etc... He may be basically the worst Ar…
Probably Wednesday
It's a bad trade now, but Henry's QB card was the furthest thing from overrated until pretty recent…
Tbh if you're not using a theme team in MUT before you can have at least 2 99 SPD WRs and CBs witho…
Without being powered up:
95 SPD
+2 From TT
+2 From 2 SPD Strat Cards
When powered up:
96 SPD
Not when everyone and their mother are ripping through training. Holliday LTDs that are in training…
I've spent no money and haven't had less than a million coins since like Halloween 😂. It's stupid e…
If you want him, sell your Cunningham and buy while he's still in packs or do training rerolls, the…
Brady is better for people who don't have to rely on escape artist to move the ball.
His throwing…
Why would you power him up? Losing the 5 AP Gunslinger+HRM for a couple +1s isn't worth it.
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