Is he any good? Just got him for slightly more than 400K mainly by accident and was going to sell h…
So why did his price suddenly go up so high. Made him for 325k this morning. Finally decided to sel…
I was wondering how you got the extra +2 for speed. Do you have a Saints (or Packers more likely) t…
He is losing his boost. My concern is that his speed will go down to a 94. Will have to see if he s…
I have switched to Williams for the past week, but he was still great until then. May go back to hi…
This really is not an EA issue. It is the consumers (I.e., people like you) that determine the pric…
As a HB, might be best in the game (surprisingly). Used others , but this guy breaks everything wit…
He is not what I expected, but good. Does not run over players, but running smooth and fast. With h…
This is the best and most fun QB I have ever used. Got when it briefly dropped below 500k. I used H…
This is not a good card. Used OOP Vea before and he always got open. This card is fast, but has a l…
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