Ghost of Mut Future question
So Deion gets x2 Future Ghost chem. What other Zero Chill players get the Ghost chems? TIA im 48/50 and need some help. I dont have Penn
FF7 Rebirth
Yall excited for this game? Im stoked they remade this game it was my favorite. Glad i picked up the ps5 for FF16.
This Promo
IMO this is how they should be. It should not be easy to aquire the new high end cards.
Commentator question/help
On Xbox s i cant turn it off. Never happened on Xbox version, just the series S. It literally reads everything on the screen like a dumb computer. Please help!
Best Defense for GT M Parsons
I usually run Nickle so ive been subbing in Parsons but was thinking of moving to a 3-4 and having him rush the passer full time. Anyone got any input on which…
Is the FG Block Cheating?
What do you think? Even with a perfect kick im getting blocked over and over. Am i doing something wrong? Just lost a game because of it. SMH
How many Gold 99s you got?
I recently synced my binder (which gave me 100 GG points...again) and I have 16. Im more than happy with my 98s and they pretty much run the show. How about ya…
Ea make right for VPT & EGG rolls.
Been a minute since I emailed EA however I just sent a request for 2 make rights. (case pending lol) Last couple times I was able to get a grant for their BS m…
98 Lattimore card
What the heck is wrong with this card? Did I miss something? lol I go to sell him and was like what!!?? AH wont let me put him over 700 and looks like a lot we…
Strategy Card Info/Comparison for entire team
At this point in the game a lot of players stats are reaching up to the 99 area if not already which makes some strategy cards not as useful if the players don…
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