This was commented before it was revealed on the site that they had tier 3 abilities for free btw
No, it's actually pretty decent cause you can get some pretty nutty animations
There was just no re…
Dude just became HB1 and it ain't even close
Dickerson, your time on the throne has come to an end
I got OJ at WR1 who already pancakes everyone at 6'6, 250 with 99 ibl and OBJ so with his abilities…
Nah I was joking
I knew what I want I meant so many options
GNG, DOE, SOM (he's my slot receiver so…
Buy him now
Momentum shift charge up is must have
1 play on but only has 2 play charge up
The charge up only being 2 downs is criminal
And not only that it's free
Passive x-factor players b…
Yes it is
Idk about that one
Wouldn't consider him as apart of the team because he's an owner
Plus Brady does…
Why you using SFL anyways?
Roaming is not better than Run n Gun either
Like his stack is 3-4 AP dep…
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