Gets a 2 AP stack and compared to the other GT QB and even with the abilities they can get this was…
Nah I'll keep Lott or Reinfeldt
Only 2 slots doesn't allow for the stack Mike gets of DZKO+PA+A for…
His 0 AP is DZKO/MZKO/A/LA and his 1 AP is TS/R
Kinda got them wrong but he's still very good regar…
Reinforcements, DZKO for reactions, and LA as an outside corner is crazy
Even in the slot with Rei…
Set feat discounted it's a miracle
But he actually gets a usable stack for 2 AP so that's good
GTs were pulled long ago and we've known someone was gonna make this since he got the Mon…
That's what I said...
Honestly with the new boosts he gets pretty much 99 in every stat you need and 2 AP for MZKO+PA+DOZ…
This card was made long before Brady came out and probably before we knew QBs got garbage abilities
Built in Fearless...
Every QB throws INTs because of bad reads like I really don't see your point...
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