Could've already done that with Heath, Gronk, Bo
And it's better to run double vanguard of Heath, G…
This isn't a W change
This will just make combine players meta for longer
Bo gets it for free and after 9 plays its unstoppable
2 AP for it to not be on all game …
Is vanguard 2 AP cause it's on all game or is it 2 AP just to be 2 AP?
There guys are 96 ovrs ans EA still hasn't given them discounts...
Yeah there will be people who use him
But to the vast majority he will be too expensive to have whe…
It's in the challenges
You have to do 2 per week and it's a reward for getting 2 stars on the secon…
Just save up for Bo or Allen
Both top tier QBs with their stack and good release
Then list him as a HB
This guy is an LTD fullback with bad blocking stats and not even good RB sta…
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