Yeah last year if you made A GT of a card that had all team chems it carried to the GT
In the reveal when it first came out it said that it was an LTD and this is when I made this reply
That's what I'm saying
His only drawback is carrying and catching so if we made him a GT that would…
So you wouldn't want a RB with 99 everything and all team chems to get a card?
Raiders would just g…
Well 99 everything on a RB for free and the price of 2AP I have free is an amazing price
Madden community make it our goal to make this a golden ticket and boost his carrying and catching
Has yet to fumble for me and you wouldn't be able to make mine fumble either
Just slapped tank on h…
Bro these challenges are easy
Beat every one first try
Yall were making them sound impossible
It's …
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