Using Bo Nix and saying 10 million is pennies to you is insane you realize you’re using a free QB r…
Send a screenshot of your squad and coins please if you’re going to talk this much
Not sure what you’re talking about we all know Lamar’s honor card was bad… his abilities suck but h…
Yes Lamar was the worst drop not because of his release but because they gave him RB abilities
Dude I have 10million coins and a 98 overall squad I think I know what I’m talking about
Not sure if you aren’t familiar with the meta or something but traditional 4 has been the go to rel…
His honors card literally has traditional 4 which is the best release in the game…
you selling him?
Under 1 mil for all eggs for sure everyone has at least 1 LTD egg
so he's bad is what i'm seeing
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