No but I randomly got an Icebreaker extra large present and an LTD fantasy pack last night. Neither…
This card is an absolute joke! Obviously he is undeserving of a 96ovr card but so are a lot of play…
Bennybtw is 100% correct. On the bright side, you must have some top tier, grade A cheeba because w…
To do that they have to control the narrative, which they do by creating Madden content so they can…
So, the fact that I think it's possible most people will never see this and the ones that do will m…
I realize this comment is being made so long after the card's release date that it's possible no on…
ETE can be stopped or at least mitigated with edge protector but, as stated by PachecoSelf, if you …
What's the AP for each of them? Inside is not as amazing as it used to be and DoN is phenomenally d…
DoN for sure!
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