UK Showdown H2H Event Lineup Restrictions
I really just have one question I wanted to ask. I tried a web search and I din't find anything detailing the specifics. So I'm going to the place I should've…
Do abilities stack?
I was wondering if abilities, specifically Defensive Rally, stack. I have J. Simmons and F. Clark, which both have 0AP DR. If they both have it would all my d-…
Secure Protector or Edge Protector and Natural Talent?
I know Secure Protector is the shit. But I was wondering if Edge Protector for T's does the same as SP does for the interior line then woulit be better to add …
Question... What should I sell, keep or quicksell?
In general what overalls or specific cards should I keep until the market rebounds or...
quicksell for training to pull TVP's or...
Sell for coin for wha…
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