Re: Golden Tickets question
They get the card and it goes into packs
Anyone ever notice..?
When you are on a little win streak in champions it will take a long time to find an opponent and then you play a sweaty game? Is that EAs way of saying “no mo…
Re: Why all the complaints?
Spamming your best player isn’t the issue. Spamming a superhero ability is. I get Moss was a Cheat code in real life but that’s where coding in stats should co…
Re: Why all the complaints?
But you are naming everything except the biggest part of the equation.. Gameplay! As I’d agree with most it’s downright horrible and has forced many to stop pl…
Re: Why all the complaints?
Ok I get that but Mut has become a mode that everyone gets every card. Back in the day limiteds weren’t the cheapest card on release. You couldn’t pull the bes…
Why all the complaints?
It’s not like some people got lowered to 6ap and some didn’t. We are all on the same level playing field. It only sucks for people who do not have God squads. …
Re: I want to keep playing but I can’t anymore lol
I want to keep playing but I can’t anymore lol
My 5th straight game of playing someone coming out in goal line with Gus or Flash and literally running every single play. This is such a brain dead game. Im d…
Does EA not see..
That literally just removing or increasing the AP on RB AKA Xfactors would instantly improve the game? It doesn’t even matter what RBs are released from here o…
Re: Who did you get in your WC pack?!
Pulled 10 WW packs got nothing over a 91 in every single pack (just noticed you weren’t talking about Actual packs but the reward) lol
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