Re: Opinions on YouTubers who promote scams?
That’s horrible!!
Re: Where are the championship playoff sets?
They go away every week once the games start and then come back a couple days after they end.
Re: NEW 95 AKA Crew Reggie White = Problems
Re: NEW 95 AKA Crew Reggie White = Problems
The majority of people complain about these xfactors or abilities and dislike them (myself as well) but EA continues to put them in the game. To me it takes aw…
Re: Why do oline take such a massive hit OOP?
Personally I’ve never understood why EA would give a player a secondary position and make their overall go down. It’s literally just for chems which is dumb.
Re: Opinions on YouTubers who promote scams?
I feel mostly bad for the ones who don’t know it’s against the rules to buy coins. Young kids who watch a Zirksee video and decide to buy coins to get banned f…
Re: LTDs are out of control
Last year the majority was upset at how easily people could get LTDs. This year it’s the exact opposite lol
Re: Josh Allen: New QB 1?
YES!! Go Bills!!
Re: Playoff 90s?
That’s correct!
Re: Who’s the best QB in the game
Luck has been absolutely amazing for me
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