Just made a full remix theme team
To find out the xfactors on the new players don’t even work. What the heck!
2 questions…?
Why does my man defense automatically come out in press and how do you not press while not playing too far back?
my one step ahead would get completely roas…
Max security on Calvin
He still can’t hold onto the ball. Anyone having success with it?
Does EA reward spammers?
I just played a guy who had flash and Gus. Ran goal line all game and would throw out routes on 4th down from goal line formation Which apparently one step ahe…
Pick 2 edge rushers
bruce smith
Anyone ever notice..?
When you are on a little win streak in champions it will take a long time to find an opponent and then you play a sweaty game? Is that EAs way of saying “no mo…
Why all the complaints?
It’s not like some people got lowered to 6ap and some didn’t. We are all on the same level playing field. It only sucks for people who do not have God squads. …
I want to keep playing but I can’t anymore lol
My 5th straight game of playing someone coming out in goal line with Gus or Flash and literally running every single play. This is such a brain dead game. Im d…
Does EA not see..
That literally just removing or increasing the AP on RB AKA Xfactors would instantly improve the game? It doesn’t even matter what RBs are released from here o…
Shockey x2 UL
Anyone know why this doesn’t have it and it’s an LTD? I’ve seen posts on this from at least a month ago and still nothings changed?
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