Lineup help
Which cards should I buy?
Which cards should I buy?
I w…
Re: Which cards should I buy?
Just sold off my team because I didn't really like it, and to prepare for blitz. You think cards will drop more than they are now? Already dropping pretty fast…
Which cards should I buy?
I h…
Re: AKA players you would like to see
Kirk "Captain Kirk" Cousins
Daniel "danny Dimes' Jones
Odell "OBJ" Beckham Jr
Re: Favorite NFL team
Pats gang
Re: What positions should i upgrade
I only have 93 calvin
Re: What positions should i upgrade
I dont have much rn but I could save up. I'm willing to spend like 300k to 600k on wr and corner. I wouldn't want to spend a ton on the guards so if there is a…
What positions should i upgrade
I r…
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