Re: MUT Locked
(quote) for me as I now get more time with my cat.
That comment was unexpected LAFFFN (bruh u are funny) :)
Re: What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
(QUOTE) This was a bad move on a game that is failing
this kinda says it all...!!!!!
Re: What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
: (
Re: What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
sadly, there is always someone out there who will .....JUST PAY
Re: What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
(QUOTE) NOT understanding their own customer
spot on...!!!!!!!
Re: What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
All very good points. thanks for your feedback GG
May as well do ZERO CHILL 99 OVERALLS --- They killed the game for a $$$ GRAB
This kinda reminds me of football teams they try to tank when the season is a wash and they want the top draft pick next year. Only what does EA get out of mes…
Re: What in Gods name is going on with this Team Diamond Promo
my feelings exactly
What is EA thinking...???? Why so "serious" an over all increase????
How did we go from 90-91 being the top cards to chase after .....all the way to 95?
I thought it was a mistake when mutleaks showed it, BUT NOT, EA WAS SERI…
Re: Johnny Manziel ?? -- still...!!!! again..!! seriously...!!!
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