Thank you. By any chance, have you been usering Derwin before this?
No, with Gunslinger he's amazingly fast.
I hated the Barkley card. I swapped in my Quadfather and Henry for the challenges instead. I keep o…
The marketplace has a FB with every team chem for training or coins.
Were you usering at the time or was it a CPU situation? What abilities are you running?
He's consistently had Slinger 3. I can't see EA changing it without an uproar. Especially how Vick …
The only problem is those boosts only last 2 weeks.
What was the situation? What defense? Which player? Was he in the box or playing up top?
Yes, I'm starting a new meta with Dime. I think it's man, I'll have to check. Multiple INTs in ever…
I don't know if he'll be in tbr free agent program that starts tomorrow but he has to be soon. I ex…
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