Did you do the Black History Month challenges? Also don't get a QB because they're easily replaced.…
I enjoy doing that. Depends if you can afford it.
He's oblivious though, doesn't that mean it's not going to make much of an impact?
SFL, Gunslinger, HRM
Nevermind, he can't get that. I bought him to test. I'll let you know.
Danny, easily.
Allen gets PLE discounted. In order to get to the same number of AP Vick needs to take SFL.
Allen is a truck with 99 break sack, break tackle, and stamina while having 93 trucking. They also …
Not everyone can get Stabler so I take him out. Brady gets the stack of abilities. Vick and Brees g…
He gets a cheap ability stack.
You're welcome. With everyone doing TVP wait because he's definitely going to drop.
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