Bears tt suggestions
400k in the bank
I pulled gt Parham yesterday and sold him still got 700k suggestions
C.j Stroud
Can someone put him up on ps4 I'll pay up to 400 maybe 450k depends how sldespirate
GT Parham
Can someone buy mine for 1.89mill I'm on ps4
This is for legened the moderator
I'm so sorry about that post I didn't know it wasn't allowed again so sorry it won't happen again
Need help
30/50 Bengals tt s7 strat and totw strat
It's actually a 98 ovr with 97 off 98 def with boosts but here is the ovr of the boosted players
Seriously EA
Suggestions everyone except QB and cbs are boosted 2 ovr qb is 98 and cbs 2 and 3 are 98 and cb 1 is 99
Suggestoons working on rt and cb but cb 2 and 3 are 98 and rt is 95 but everyone else is boosted 2 ovr except QB he's only 1
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