Re: If you pull a GT…who are you choosing?
WR Danny Dimes please
So who’s gonna make the Daniel Jones WR Golden ticket
Someone’s gotta do it
Solo Battles locked me out after only playing 2 of the 4
Title, played 2/4 of the new ones and now I'm locked to where I can only see leaderboard and rewards.
Re: Should I sell my PS5
The Vita Vea is absurd on PS5, how does he feel on PS4
Re: Should I sell my PS5
Gotcha. What are the main differences between playing MUT on Next and Current Gen?
Should I sell my PS5
About to start my semester before college, I have a PS5 digitial and I only really use it for Madden and The Show. I don't use it too much either and could gla…
Re: I need help
did know about this. Been trying the Daniel Jones challenges to no avail. What other cards on this team are easy to get
I need help
I have no clue where to start, want to build an NYG TT and havw basically almost all the power up cards but nothing else, who are all the high end Giants I can…
Hi guys
I used to use the old forums a couple years back my username was WonderfulWonka. I'm in college now and have been wanting to play madden in my free time especi…
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