Upgrade Help
I recently pulled 96 Trey Lance on my alt account, and am wondering who I should get if I Auction, Trade, Or whatever else I should do.
Re: The Draft Pat 97 Ovrs
Honetly, complete a set or two and auction the masters if you dont want them
Re: 96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
Ya. I am considering just auctioning him and buying someone else I want. I wanted to give others a chance to trade before
Re: 96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
The same way you make a primary, it's just a second one
Re: 96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
I've had this account for well over 5 years and I'm using one, so I think all be fine, but sorry that happened to you
Re: 96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
Just FYI everyone should use an alt acount, you can complete the ULT Legends challenges and trade your pick to your team
Re: 96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
no prob
96 Trey Lance trade /PS4/
I just pulled 96 Trey Lance out of a get a gold player pack on my alt acount. Just wondering who someone would give me for him
Re: 1982 Marcus Allen Draft solo issue?
did you do the other challenge? Also try to make sure you complete the spin. That was my prob
Re: Question of selling
I swear no one listens to Ben/Cole/Is/Hot/ he said his friend convinced him to continue playing
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