Re: Offensive AP update
id completely agree, it might be to op to have the capability for good reciever abilities GS and HRM, and then AP to spare
Re: OOP Players that are good and fun
Ya i have moss and im thinking about doing the reek set
Re: OOP Players that are good and fun
hed be nice to, but i have a good rb and not enough coins for parsons
Re: OOP Players that are good and fun
Acually have scored a few TDs with cunningham at QB lol, but I would love trevon but hes to spendy, selling all of the would get me about 100000
OOP Players that are good and fun
Im considering getting rid of cunningham, kevin williams LT, and Kevin mawae ROLB, what oop should i get thats fun and good? I have a QB RB LOLB and TE that i …
Re: Jackson mahomes fan club
lol, so true!
Re: RB's Juke and Spin animations. Is there any good place to learn about this besides YouTube reviews?
cook is a beast but his spins have troubled me, maybe i should try evasive?
Re: Madden Machines
he always gets hurt, but when healthy hes easily a top five RB
Re: Do Mack and Terron get all chems
Way to go WernersBerner settling the fight
Re: [FA LTD'S] Later this week who's your guess?
IDK, its gonna be a 98 and von already has a 96 and 97 Legends, but he definatly deserves a card, maybe a movers if EA makes one
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