what were the motivators? Im hoping whatever it is is a 95+ with challenges
Re: Deion Sanders WR or Joe Horn
just saying though, id put vick at kr pr because it looks really funny to have a qb at kr
Re: Deion Sanders WR or Joe Horn
I would go with deion myself because im running a falcs tt myself and hes a beast
Re: Mut discussion
Mine prob 96 alworth, I used to have him 98 with chems but I downgraded my strats to power up my defence
Re: [WCW FREE PACK]List for this weeks free WCW pack.
im sadly way behind so im getting a 92 this week
Re: Was This Supposed To Happen?
Dang, wish I couldve gotten on this moring, Ive wanted a new qb(97TB) but I dont wanna burn 150k when I cant even get rid of him
Re: Budget Pass Rushing LOLB (150k or less)
malcom smith or brad van pelt smith has 96 block shed
Re: [WCW WK 22 RISING STARS PRE] Trey Lance ?,?,? & ?
tua just got a team builder so i doubt it
Re: PSA budget beast HB
i have ncat cor patt but ill get cook soon (21) im running a falcons tt, should i switch to a vikes when i get cook?
Re: Backyard Ballers Promo Coming - Who do you want?
im thinking a tra white upgrade, possibly brett favre, and maybe tony g
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