I've seen that happen. After a missed hit stick attempt because of tank I have also seen a gang tac…
I just rotate Bettis, Bo, Quad, Henry, Faalele, Jamaal, and now CJ2K I change my lineup around a bi…
Why do people think that Tank keeps you from fumbling? It does not. It just stops hit sticks from r…
Tank does not stop you from fumbling dude. At all. It just makes it so you break almost any hit sti…
LOL sounds like that's what the issue is here
Easy now boys. Henry is a completely different HB. Henry is a good power back with very low agility…
Other than brace for all hits his traits suck terribly
The companion app is responsible for more bans than anything else. I stay away from that thing. Wou…
Deion never could play press IRL.
Kinda did him dirty with the abilities. Never expected him to have good press and EA apparently wan…