He dropped to under 700K and I think the LTDs weren't even in TVPs at the start of the day....I thi…
Give it time. Terrible traits.
That won't last.
Plays ball in air - Balanced. I never use CBs with anything but aggressive. No matter what coachin…
Dude, have patience. Mills stayed high because there were no TVPs. Most people have not even logged…
I don't think they're in the same class. Beasley is a very good TT card ; Edelman is a great card f…
Brady floats too many passes. He gets gunslinger baked in because his regular release is too slow, …
RT kinda covers the same thing as SOE except for the better catching SOE is supposed to give you. B…
I've had Bo as my user for a long time, kind of bored with him.. I'm trying to move on from him as …
Man, so D Hop comes out, Irvin, Edelman for the slot, Olave.....hard to find a spot for AJ , esp wi…