Have you tried other cards though? I have kept up with the top tier cards at each position and star…
Capital S in Silly Goose. Capital H in He knows. Capital R in Reading. Apostrophe in "would've". Gr…
I believe you...I have that card somewhere in my binder, will check it out later. FYI if you wanna …
Drake has the drops open passes trait. I never use cards with that trait. too many wide open drops
Andre is always a great Madden card. Herm is 6'4" so he gets the nod but Reed will probably replace…
Pretty sure that strat card was only for harvest cards ?
Tip: Post lineup questions on the MUT lineup feedback/help forum instead of here
Tip: Post lineup questions on the MUT lineup feedback/help forum instead of here
Does OVR help you win games???? Honestly, OVR is not that important. Aaron Donald is an 89 OVR at D…
It isn't a million coin difference but Bruce is definitely the better card. Bruce is stronger, +10 …