Pick artist is great but so many CBs get it for 0 AP....I thought it would be a great card but that…
Yeah but OVR doesn't mean anything. His abilities and traits stink. Being a 99 OVR doesn't add 6" …
5'10 with awful traits and no good discounted abilities. On Legends TT I get 96 speed anyway. This…
Neither lol
A 255lb power rusher....ugh EA. And no discounted ETE? I think I'll stick with Ware and Bruce Smith
I thought the card didn't look so good either but once I used him, he's the best back in the game
OVR means nothing , it's how a card plays
Jeez guys , read the room. Of COURSE everyone is joking. I can name like 15 better Madden 23 QBs of…
Dude I was kidding.