And Boselli is better than both of them - and I'm a Giants fan
With 5 AP for DON and edge rusher, probably. But I already have that on Floyd and I am not spending…
Well of course. Only end game card right now is. probably Elway
3rd best. LTD Gilmore too
If ur running Legends chem don't replace Woodson with Jalen. If you run zone on D then the same. Th…
Nope. Deion is. Then LTD Gilmore. .there are a couple others that are close like Aeneas, Woodson…
3rd or 4th best actually
Yeah but you can say the same.foe Metzelaars, Delafield Welker, Casper can't be held down, etc. T…
Exactly. Metzelaars is the best TE in Madden now. Then it's probably Delanie who is always a glitch…
I've benefitted from your videos on The Show , thanks for those. You're a great player. Hope you e…