Ahhh let me know how he plays for you. I will try to pick him up later. Flacco cards usually play w…
The issue is that they did not add any new packs or bundles that for high OVR Honors cards with a c…
I believe that the LTDs Honors were not in packs at the beginning. EA will probably have to give a …
I didn't say he did.. but he gets the AKA factor UF....Reading is fundamental ...gotta actually rea…
I didn't see any on the AH. Maybe some were pulled , I'll check when I get home
SFL, Gunslinger, Quickdraw (not that you'd need it with GS), and HRM for 6 AP. Mahomes gets it for …
Don't respond to this dude, it's just trolling
Agreed 100%....6'7" with 97 COD is nearly end game. On my 96 OVR squad he's still my user and MLB 1
Top 10% I would say....Probably 4th best release in the game, maybe 3rd...but with gunslinger, they…
Well, there's no spare AP...you'd have to use all 8 on him to really get the most out of the card. …